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Daily Reading Proverbs 7


It takes wisdom and strategy to keep a man/woman away from the allure of the wrong path. Even when we know better we still fall for what is outside of God's will. It takes more than just knowing the right path. We must be convicted in hearts to follow the right path Our intellect can sometimes cause us to push the needle little thinking we will stop it before it goes too far. We must learn we are not smarter than the allure of sin. 

21 With much justifying and enticing argument she persuades him, with the allurements of her lips she leads him [to overcome his conscience and his fears] and forces him along.

22 Suddenly he [yields and] follows her reluctantly like an ox moving to the slaughter, like one in fetters going to the correction [to be given] to a fool or [a]like a dog enticed by food to the muzzle

23 Till a dart [of passion] pierces and inflames his vitals; then like a bird fluttering straight into the net [he hastens], not knowing that it will cost him his life.




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