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Daily Reading Proverbs 8


Wisdom calls to you will you answer? Wisdom is present to give you life but you must accept her call. Will you answer? 

  • Will you cast out ungodly ways
  • Will you forsake your own will for God's will 
  • Will you listen to her when she speaks 


1 Does not skillful and godly Wisdom cry out, and understanding raise her voice [in contrast to the loose woman]?

On the top of the heights beside the way, where the paths meet, stands Wisdom [skillful and godly];

1 Comment

Gracie Kelley 11 months ago

The chapters teaches righteous living in contrast to sin. It teaches wisdom in contrast to foolishness. If you heed to the wisdom in the chapters, it will prevent you from making foolish mistakes. That's why wisdom should be tied around our necks, and is more precious than jewels. The Proverbs give an outlook on life and its repercussions if you do not apply wisdom to daily living. It teaches that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Not terror fear, but reverential fear. which seems to be lacking in so many lives today. There is no heed to the many apparent warnings that God is not pleased with so much that is going on in the land today. There is no fear of God and people are going about as if there is no God. Wisdom screams, but people are turning a deaf ear.

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